Are you the next reseller to offer our range of Full90 head protection (FN1 and Premier) for goalkeepers and football players?
Sports Trading Leusden BV is the leading specialist in Europe in the field of head protection for goalkeepers and football players.
You have probably noticed that the topic of "head protection for goalkeepers and football players" is receiving increasing attention in the media. Several clubs and goalkeeper academies, both domestically and internationally, have already embraced our Full90 FN1 goalkeeper helmet. Additionally, our range of head protection products is now available in more and more (specialized) stores.
The Full90 FN1 is the world's first fully developed goalkeeper helmet with complete head coverage. It is highly adjustable to ensure an optimal fit. Many (professional) goalkeepers and clubs are already using our helmet. Without a doubt, our Full90 FN1 is the ultimate solution for goalkeepers who want to protect their heads and prevent (serious) injuries.
Our Full90 Premier protective headband is the perfect head protection solution for football players. Specially designed for footballers, this protective headband ensures a comfortable fit while protecting the most vulnerable areas of the head.
Our Full90 head protection products are suitable for both men and women and are available in different sizes.
Each year, approximately 15,000 football players suffer head and brain injuries. About 7,000 of these cases are seen by a doctor, and 3,000 end up in the emergency room. Scientific research indicates that 85% of sports-related brain injuries (concussions) go unnoticed or undiagnosed. The actual number of footballers suffering from (mild) brain injuries is likely closer to 100,000.
Contrary to common belief, concussions in football are rarely caused by intentional heading of the ball. The primary cause (90%) is head collisions with hard objects, such as another head, an elbow, a knee, the goalpost, or the ground. With this knowledge, Full90 has developed the FN1 goalkeeper helmet and the Premier protective headband. The Full90 range significantly reduces the impact force of such collisions, thereby decreasing the risk of (severe) brain injuries. Scientific research, commissioned by FIFA, has shown that wearing Full90 head protection reduces the impact on the head by more than 50%. Given these facts, it is no surprise that head protection in football is gaining popularity.
Are you the next retailer to offer our Full90 range? If you are interested, please fill out the form below, and we will contact you shortly to discuss dealership opportunities.